miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Veracruz's aquarium

In the late 1980s began talks with the state government of Veracruz to create a space where the marine fauna of the region exhibit and use it to support the tourism sector.

playón Horn because of its proximity to the tourist area, the protection provided against the north winds and sea water was chosen.

By the end of 1992 end of building work directed by engineer Luis Kasuga Osaka and designed by engineer Hiroshi Kamio and inaugurated on November 13 of that year, with the Ing. Baltasar Pazos de la Torre the first President of the Board of directors.

Since 2000 the first phase of expansion (completed in 2002) and makeover that included the construction of an enclosure for sharks and one for manatees, plus a terrace and a ride on the outside of the square began , giving with this visitors an option to enjoy the sea in the forecourt of more than 300 meters, which allowed him to obtain a growth of 75% in the number of visits.

Veracruz Aquarium has several awards, including having maintained for almost 8 years a copy of blue shark (tiger shark) to its subsequent release; It is also the only place where you can see manatees (Trichechus manatus) and two of her pups in their facilities.

In December 2007 the remodeling of the largest tank was made (with more than 1 million liters of salt water), due to which called Great Fishbowl Reef, where the typical species found in shows these important ecosystems. This year it is considered as the most important tourist attraction of the city, since it its content and variety presented in its route highlighted.

On November 20, 2009, the Governor of Veracruz Lic. Fidel Herrera Beltran opened the Dolphinarium, which was built for research purposes. The dolphinarium has 12 meters wide, 24 meters long and six meters deep, with a capacity of 2.5 million liters of salt water, likewise, has 6 acrylic allow visitors watching dolphins from virtually any angle.

Aquarium Veracruz city has 9 Areas: Tuxtlas jungle, freshwater gallery, gallery saltwater reef aquarium, the Shark tank, the manatinario, the jellyfish aquarium, dolphinarium and museum.

La Selva de Los Tuxtlas
It is the first gallery of the aquarium where an environment similar to that found in the jungle of Los Tuxtlas region, which is south of Veracruz, an area appreciated worldwide for its great diversity of flora and fauna, it is presented here visitors can see a lot of natural plants and the sound of water falling into a pond where several freshwater turtles native to the region are groups, there are two tanks where fish are displayed swords from the region and boa constrictors. birds like the toucan in total freedom are also found in this area, as well as green and scarlet macaws with which you can have iteration.

Freshwater Gallery
The section has nine tanks of different volumes which are home to over 30 species of fish in the Amazon, Asia, Africa and America as well as reptiles and mammals representative of these different areas. The total volume of this gallery is 562 177 liters, which is set as a cave where you can admire many different species of fish.

Saltwater Gallery
This section has 13 tanks of different sizes and characteristics where about 60 species of reef organisms including fish, reptiles and invertebrates are exhibited. The system has 115,200 liters of salt water in constant motion which circulates through a series of biological and mechanical filters that keep it in optimal conditions for the development of the species exhibited. Additionally it has a quarantine area intended for newly captured or those who require the application of some treatment agencies. The decor of the tanks is completely artificial.

Burgos cathedral

Burgos Cathedral

The Cathedral of Santa Maria de Burgos is a Catholic church dedicated to the Virgin Mary located in the Spanish city of Burgos. Its official name is Holy Church Cathedral Metropolitan Basilica of Santa Maria de Burgos. Its construction began in 1221, following French Gothic patterns. It had very important modifications in the XV and XVI centuries: the spiers of the main facade, the Chapel of the Condestable and cruise dome, late Gothic elements that give the temple its unmistakable profile. The last works of importance (the sacristy or the Chapel of Santa Tecla) already in the eighteenth century, the century in which the Gothic portals of the main facade were also modified. The style of the cathedral is Gothic, although it has, in its interior, several Renaissance and Baroque decorative elements. Construction and renovations were made with limestone extracted from quarries in the nearby town of Burgos Hontoria de la Cantera.

In the cathedral works of extraordinary artists are preserved, such as architects and sculptors of the Colonia family (John, Simon and Francisco), the architect Juan de Vallejo, Gil de Siloé, Felipe Bigarny, Rodrigo Sculptors Hague, Martin de la beech, Juan de Ancheta and Juan Pascual de Mena, sculptor and architect Diego de Siloé, the rejero Cristobal de Andino, the glassmaker Arnao of Flanders or Alonso de Sedano, Mateo Cerezo, Sebastiano del Piombo or John Ricci painters, among many others .

The design of the main facade is related to the purest French Gothic style of the great cathedrals of Paris and Reims, while the interior elevation as a reference to the Cathedral of Bourges. It consists of three bodies topped by two lateral square towers. The Germanic influence squelette were added in the fifteenth century and are the work of Juan de Colonia. Outside are outstanding also covers Sarmental and Coronería, Gothic thirteenth century, and the cover of Pellejería with platerescas-sixteenth century Renaissance influences.

There are numerous architectural, sculptural and pictorial treasures inside. highlights include:

The Gothic-Plateresque dome, first raised by Juan de Colonia in the fifteenth century and rebuilt by Juan de Vallejo in the XVI, following plans by Juan de Langres.1
Chapel of the Constable, Elizabethan Gothic style, which worked Colony, Diego de Siloam and Felipe Bigarny family.
The Hispano-Flemish Gothic altarpiece of Gil de Siloam Chapel of Santa Ana.
The choir stalls, plateresque Renaissance work Vigarny.
The late Gothic reliefs girola of Vigarny.
Numerous Gothic and Renaissance tombs.
Renaissance Escalera Dorada, Diego de Siloam.
The Holy Christ of Burgos, image of great devotional tradition.
The tomb of the Cid and his wife Doña Jimena, his letter of earnest money and your chest.
The flycatcher, articulated statue that opens his mouth to give the chiming of the hours.
Burgos cathedral was declared a National Monument on April 8, 1885 and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on 31 October 1984. It is the only Spanish cathedral that has this distinction Unesco independently, without being attached to the historic center of a city (as in the cases of Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Avila, Cordoba, Toledo and Cuenca) or with other buildings, as in Seville and Zaragoza. It is also the highest ranking Catholic church in Castilla y Leon to be the only temple being metropolitan cathedral is both a basilica.

In 1994, following the release of a figure of the facade it occurred a few years earlier, began the restoration work. In total, they have been invested 30 million euros, making it the European monument which has received more funds for restoration and has lasted more in the time.2

Saint Basil's cathedral

The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the moat , better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, an Orthodox temple is located in the Red Square in Moscow city, Russia. It is famous worldwide for its bulbous domes. Despite what is commonly thought popularly, St. Basil's Cathedral is not the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, nor the main cathedral of the Russian capital, since in both cases is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. As part of Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral was included since 1990, along with the whole Kremlin, in the list of World Heritage of Unesco.

The construction of the cathedral was ordered by Tsar Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the conquest of the Khanate of Kazan, and was conducted between 1555 and 1561. In 1588 Tsar Feodor I of Russia sent a chapel added on the east side of building on the tomb of St. Basil the Blessed saint which was popularly called the cathedral.

San Basilio is located at the southeast end of Red Square, just across from the Spasskaya Tower (Savior Tower) of the Kremlin and the Church of St. John the Baptist in Dyakovo.

In a garden opposite the church the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, a bronze statue in honor of Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, who gathered volunteers for the army that fought against the Polish invaders during the tumultuous period known as rises.

The initial concept was to build a group of chapels, dedicated to each of the saints on which day the Tsar won a battle, but the construction of a central tower unifies these spaces in a single cathedral.

Legend has it that the Tsar Ivan blinded the architect Postnik Yakovlev to prevent projected construction that could overcome this, but it seems clear that it is not more than a confabulation, as Yakovlev participated last few years, construction Kazan Kremlin.

St. Basil's Cathedral should not be confused with the Kremlin, which is located next to it on the Red Square, and thus not part of it. Still, many media confuse the two buildings.
The place of the church had been, historically, a busy market between the gate of the Tower of San Frol (after Salvador) Moscow Kremlin and peripheral posad. The market center was marked by the Trinity Church, built with the Kremlin Dmitri Donskoi (1366-1368) and the same white stone cathedrals. Ivan IV czar marked each victory of the war with the Khanate of Kazan to erect a memorial wooden church next to the walls of Trinity Church, which at the end of his campaign in Astrakhan was surrounded by a group of seven churches wood. According to the incomplete report in the Chronicle of Nikon, in the fall of 1554 Ivan ordered the construction of the Church of the Intersection of wood in the same place, "in the pit". A year later, Ivan built a new stone cathedral on the site of the Church of the Trinity commemorate their campaigns. Dedicating a church to a military victory then was "a great innovation" for Muscovy. The placement of the church outside the Kremlin walls was a policy in favor of posad commoners and against the boyars statement hereditarios.2

the identity of arquitecto.3 Tradition has it that there were two architects, Barma and Postnik is unknown. The official registration of the Russian Cultural Heritage list as "Barma and Postnik Yakovlev" 4 researchers have proposed that both names refer to the same person, Postnik Yakovlev, whose pen name was Ivan Yakovlevich Barma (Varfolomey) .5 Legend holds that Ivan blinded the architect so he could not recreate the artwork elsewhere, July 6 although the true Postnik Yakovlev remained active at least throughout the decade of 1560.8 There is evidence that construction involved stonemasons Pskov9 and German lands.

Burj Al Arab

It is a luxury hotel with a height of 321 meters, the fourth tallest hotel in the world (surpassed by the Abraj Towers Al Bait, the Rose Rotana Hotel and Hotel Ryugyong) and one of the most representative hotel buildings. It is located at sea on an artificial island located 270 meters from the beach in the Persian Gulf, which is connected to the mainland by a road.

Construction of the building began in 1994 and officially opened on December 1, 1999. Its shape is inspired by a sailing boat and is located in a specific area in order that your shadow does not cover the beach. On the hotel roof is a heliport, which was used as a tennis court for advertising involving Andre Agassi and Roger Federer, but this, despite what many believe, is not used as a tennis court.

The interior decoration of the building was carried out by Chinese designer Khuan Chew. The instructions Sheikh Dubai gave Chew for the design of the suites and atrium were hit and innovate. Khuan and his team used large amounts of marble, velvet and gold leaflets to adorn. Six months before the inauguration, Sheikh visited the hotel to give their opinion. The majesty of the suites met your expectations of luxury and grandeur show, but seeing the painting of a white minimalist atrium, flunked. The decorator had to redesign the appearance of the lobby, adding bright colors on the ceiling, dancing fountains, a spectacle of multicolored lights and giant aquariums.

working people from more than 80 countries in the hotel, which must meet a rigorous selection process to assist guests in their native language.


The Burj Al Arab has nine restaurants, among which the Al Mahara located under the sea, offering an underwater view through a stained glass window shaped aquarium and the Al Muntaha, located 200 meters high, allowing a panoramic view of Dubai city. The latter is located on a cantilevered platform 27 meters from each side of the mast extends; and you have access to it through a panoramic lift. In his famous play kitchen



It was a British liner, the largest ship in the world at the time of its completion, which sank on the night of 14 to 15 April 1912 during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. The sinking of the Titanic in 1514 of the 2223 people aboard were killed, making this tragedy in one of the largest shipwreck in history occurred in peacetime. Built between 1909 and 1912 at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, the Titanic was the second of three liners who formed the Olympic class, owned by the White Star Line.

Among its passengers were some of the richest people in the world, plus hundreds of Irish, British and Scandinavian immigrants who went in search of a better life in America. The ship was designed to be the ultimate in luxury and comfort, and had a gym, pool, library, fancy restaurants and opulent cabins for first-class travelers. It was also equipped with a powerful telegraphy station for use by passengers and crew and advanced security measures, such as bulkheads and airlocks helmet activated remotely. However, due to outdated safety standards of the time, it carried lifeboats for only 1178 passengers, 6 little more than half of those who were on board on its maiden voyage and one third of its total capacity.

After setting sail from Southampton on April 10, 1912, the Titanic docked in Cherbourg, France, and in Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland, before setting sail the Atlantic Ocean. At 23:40 on April 14, four days after departure, about 600 km south of Newfoundland, the Titanic struck an iceberg. The collision opened several hull plates on her starboard side below the waterline along five of her sixteen bulkheads, which began to flood. For two and a half hours the boat was gradually sinking his front while the stern rose, and at this time several hundred passengers and crew were evacuated in lifeboats, some of which were not filled to maximum capacity. A very high number of men died due to rescue strict protocol followed in the process of evacuation of the ship, known as "women and children first" 7 8 Just before 2:20 pm April 15, the Titanic it broke in half and sank bow with hundreds of people still on board. Most of those who remained floating on the sea surface died of hypothermia, although some were rescued by the lifeboats. The 710 survivors were rescued by the RMS Carpathia transatlantic few hours later.

The wreck of the Titanic shocked and angered the world by the high number of deaths and mistakes. Public research conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States led to the implementation of significant improvements in maritime safety and the creation in 1914 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS, for short), which still it governs maritime safety. Many of the survivors who lost all their assets in the tragedy, were helped by public charity, but others, like the president of the White Star Line, J. Bruce Ismay, were accused of cowardice by his premature abandonment of the ship and socially ostracized.

The wreck of the Titanic was discovered on September 1, 1985 by oceanographer Robert Ballard US in the bottom of the North Atlantic at a depth of 3784 meters. The remains are badly damaged and suffer a progressive deterioration, but since its discovery ship thousands of objects have been recovered from the seabed and are on display in many museums. The Titanic is perhaps the most famous ship in history and memory is kept very much alive by numerous books, songs, movies, exhibitions and memorials.

It all began on July 31, 1908 with the signing of the contract for construction in the shipyards of Belfast (Northern Ireland), the Titanic, Olympic and Britannic called a third party who then added ocean liners. The Titanic was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard with construction number 401.1 was intended to compete with the Lusitania and Mauretania vessels rival company Cunard Line. The Titanic, along with his brothers of the Olympic, Olympic and Gigantic (later Britannic) class, the latter still under construction, were intended to be the largest and most luxurious ocean liners. The designers were William Pirrie 9 managing director of Harland and Wolff; naval architect Thomas Andrews, construction manager and head of the design department of Harland and Wolff10 and Alexander Carlisle, the chief and general manager of Carlisle astillero.11 designer's responsibilities included the decorations, equipment and all general arrangements, including the implementation of an efficient system of davits for lifeboats. Carlisle left the project in 1910, before the ships were thrown, when it became a shareholder in Welin Davit & Engineering Company Ltd, the company that made the davits.

The construction of RMS Titanic, funded by the American businessman JP Morgan and his International Mercantile Marine Co. company, began on 31 March 1909.13 with a total cost of 7.5 million dollars of the time, ie, 300 million at current exchange [citation needed]. The hull of the Titanic was launched into the sea at 12:13 on the 31st May 1911.14 and its construction was completed on March 31 the following year. Its total length was 269 m, the sleeve was 28 m, had a gross tonnage of 46,328 tonnes and a height of 18 meters from the waterline to the deck of botes.15 The Titanic was equipped with two four alternative machines cylinder triple expansion and low pressure turbine Parsons, who drove three bronze propellers. He was 29 boilers 159 coal furnaces that made possible a top speed of 23 knots (43 km / h). Only three of the four fireplaces, with 18.9 meters high, were functional; the fourth fireplace served only for ventilation, 15 and was added to give the boat a more impressive appearance.

Upon completion of its construction, the Titanic succeeded his twin Olympic as the world's largest ship. This was because, although both vessels had the same dimensions, the Titanic weighed 1008 tons and more the size of a vessel is measured by tonnage.

British museum

The British Museum (British Museum) in London is also one of the oldest museums in the world, one of the collections of antiquities largest and most famous in the world.

British Museum, London
BritánicoMuseo British Museum, Nereid Monument

Nereid Monument at the Museum BritánicoBritish Museum, mummies
The famous mummies of British MuseumMuseo British, Hall
main atrium of the British Museum
Today the British Museum receives more than 5 million visitors a year, making it the third most visited museum in the world, behind the Louvre in Paris and the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

The collection

The museum was created in 1753 and was finally opened to the public on 15 January 1759. The origins of the British Museum are linked to the physical and collector Hans Sloane, who wanted his collection of over 80,000 items should endure after his death. Among the objects in the collection they were included more than 40,000 books and antiquities from Greece, Rome, Egypt, Middle East and America.

The first location was the British Museum Montagu House, a mansion of the XVI century began to run small due to the rapid growth of the collections, both for purchases made by the museum, and the different donations.

In 1782 considerably it increased the collection of pieces of Greek and Roman origin and after this, in 1801 the museum acquired a lot of Egyptian antiquities, among which includes the impressive Rosetta Stone (thanks to which they have been able to translate Egyptian) hieroglyphics. In 1823 King George IV donated the library of his father completely, so the museum building began staying small.

In 1857 he completed the construction of the new museum building, located at its previous location, which is what remains to this day.

In 1887, due to lack of space, the collection of natural objects moved to the Museum of Natural History, and in 1973 the British Library Museum independence.


More than seven million objects from all continents who owns the museum, are arranged according to their place of origin. The museum has such extension, to visit unhurriedly would need to spend more than a day, but to see the most important one morning may suffice.

One party worth noting is the Great Court located in the center of the museum, a huge space with a glass cover in the reading room of the British Library is.

Throughout the different rooms you can find any type of object, from Chinese porcelain, prehistoric and medieval to antiques or coins and medals from different periods. The most striking parts of the museum are the section of Ancient Egypt (the best after the Egyptian Museum), and ancient Greek.

One of the best

The British Museum is the most entertaining city museum for those who do not like too much pictures and culturizarse prefer otherwise. The museum is free and on Thursdays and Fridays, closes later than most museums, making it the perfect choice for a cold London afternoon enjoying good art.

Chinese tradition of tea

Chinese tradition of tea

Tea is the traditional drink of China since ancient times.
The origin of Chinese tea is in its use as a medicinal product. Not only it was used to treat certain specific diseases, but believed in the benefits of tea to get a longer life.

Today, traditional Chinese medicine still uses different types of tea to solve certain discomfort and health problems. Medical research has proven that tea can actually cure some conditions.

Later, tea was introduced among Buddhist monks as a small help for meditation. Through these, the tea became the aristocracy, where he became a popular drink among the imperial elite.

From the Ming Dynasty, they began to emerge numerous tea shops across the country and the drink became popular among all social classes. It was from this moment when the tea went from being a medicinal drink to be considered a daily drink among Chinese.

Today, the traditional tea culture is sacred to the Chinese. In any restaurant they serve you tea or hot water to eat. Also teahouses are very important meeting points in Chinese society. They like nothing more Chinese to meet talking with friends, play cards or mahjong, while enjoying good tea.

More tea is consumed by Chinese green tea, known for its fresh flavor. It is followed by red tea and Oolong tea, and other varieties such as Pu Erh (aged tea) and fruit and flower teas.

In the last decade it has become popular throughout Asia a tea drink originated in Taiwan and known as Bubble Tea. This is a tea beverage with milk to which is added tapioca pearls.